Matt's Online Journalism Blog

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Future Of My Blog?

This blog was started as part of an assignment in an module on online journalism at the UCE.

I guess as I found out when researching - there are no (that I could find, and I will still look!) bloggers on quizzes and surveys in online journalism, or much that actually refers to them in articles on the net etc.

Even when I look now for blogs on, I still find it constantly linking to my own blog, which is quite cool :)

Although I have no handed in my assignment, I will try my best to keep the blog updated if I stumble across any quizzes/surveys or anything about them in online journalism! (Just incase there is anybody reading this blog!)



  • It's on my Google homepage, so I'll be watching it!

    You could turn it into a research diary for your dissertation as you develop your ideas...

    By Blogger Paul Bradshaw, at 11:56 PM  

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